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PAGE 1 House Edition ** Published by Students of New College, Sarasota, Florida ** elcome To New College * Tour Guide I. College Hall --A former manil..;n convertl-d to me by college for rooms, library, lectures, offices, temporarydiningspace. Built 'by Olarles Ringling. 2. Robertson Hall --Center for administration at New College. Once the carriage house of Ringling Estate. Now contains Administration and Admissions offices. Building refurbished through generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Lou M. Robertson. 3. Administration Annex --Temporary building homes Development Office and College Examiner's Office. Not open today. 4. Pump House --New College uses every bit of space possible. This former pumphouse now has one classroom plus storage space. Not open today. 5. Social Sciences Faculty Offices --A former custodian's home now serves as office space ior faculty of Social Sciences Division. Not open today. 6. The Bam --In the hectic first year of New College, male students lived in the Barn. Now it has become a student center. An upstairs loft offers room for art and dramatic activities. 7. Science Laboratory --Chemistry, Physics, and Biology laboratory sessions are held here and science faculty have offices in the building. Buildin& though considered temporary, is completely selkontained. B Science Annex--Readyforconstructionisasecondscience building, matching the first and providing facilities for physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry, for biology and also experimental psychology. 9, 10. 11. East Campm Residences --Three residence courts, designed by I. M. Pei, are capable of housing approximately 90 students each, Women are housed in residence numbered 11, men in those numbered 9 and 10. Two students are housed in each room. 12 Mechanical Building --All of the equipment for providing air conditioning and heat for the three residences ishomed in this building. Filtration equipment for the pool is here also. Not open today. 13. Swimming Pool-a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Courtland H. Hoppin, the Program New College opens its campus today to informal tours by visitors for the first time since its opening in 1964. Open for inspection are College Hall, Robertson Hall, TheBarn, The Natural Sciences Laboratories, East Campm residences and the swimming pool. On the West Campus, the flagpole, a gift of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. BonSeigneur1 will be dedicated at brief ceremonies at 1:15 pm. Jmmediately afterward, the colorful Riverview High School Band will perform in the area to the north of College Hall. Exce}X for these two events, the afternoon is free for leisurely inspection tours. F acuity and volunteer students are stationed a b o u t the cam pus to answer your questions and to help make your visit more interesting. In College Hall, several campus groups have set up exhibits and in the g:ience laboratories, faculty and students will have some of the scientific equipment on display. Refreshments are being servedduringthe afternoon to the north of College Hall. Ringling Home Houses Library Now used by the college for the library, diningfacilities and classrooms, College Hall was built in 1925 for Charles and Edith Ring ling. Shortly before, John Ringling had built his house to the south and had begun assembling land in Saraseta. The House was designed by Clas, Shepard and Clas of Milwaukee, and was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ringling and their children Hester and Robert (whose widow is now Mrs. R. C. Bon Seigneur of Sara sota.) Charles Ringling died in 1926 but Mrs. Ringling continual to live in the house until her death in 1953 Sarasota Bay --John Ringling Residence \) O Museum of the Circus AsoJo c-J TheaterU Park:J Park r=::=:::J 1 4 {? 5 121 I Campus Book Shop 0 c::::J I I Business Offices swimming pool was constructed to Olympic standards and with a specially constructed ell for diving. Pool is heated for all-year use. --Map by Betsy Olsen as a classroom building with an auditoriu.'!l, language laboratory and several classrooms. 14-25. Hamilton Court --Now under construction and hoped for use by fall are two buildings, a dining room and student center building as well Off Campus -Bminess offices and the campus boo.kshop are located in a converted motel opposite the entrance to the Ringling MmeumMall. Students Ann Rogers and Larry Alexander with flagpole to be dedicated today at 1:15. The flagpole was a gift from Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Bonseignur. Facsimile Edi t i o n This is a special facsimile edition of The Cat "" '51:, the wee.ldy student newspaper of New College. It was produced by the regular stu uC:. 01 Ule p a lJ <: ,. u v are solely responsible for its conte!'t. The Catalyst wishes to thank !or tnc1r special cooperation and consideration the Manatee County Ad vertiser & Press, regular printer of the paper. Mr. Glen Watkins and Mr. Hugo Greis en, the owners, have been especially he 1 p f ul in this, our first year of publication. We also wish to thank Mr. Alan Kistler of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune for his help in s e t t in g the headlines and advertisements; Mr. Furman C. Arthur, Director of Information, New College; Mr. Guy Paschal, for his advice, interest, and lending of special equipment; and N e w College, for providing office and other facilities. Welcome From SEC As the extent ot man's knowledge develops exponentially, courses are added to cutTicula that are already swollen to unintelligible dimensions, to be left unreviewed by students who simply cannot look into every classroom. It becomes more and more obvious that a revision in educational methods is necessary to keep pace with a world that does not wony about how its changes are going to be compre hended. And this is precisely what New College has attempted to do. Today, six years after fonnal conception and a year and a half after classes have you see the manifestation of a brave new adventln'e. an adventure that lends an electric crispness to the atmosphere. The Student Executive Committee invites and welcomes you to feel the thefabric of the material, smell the smells of cooking, see the accomplishments of a surprisingly short period of activity, and otherwise examine the organism, this institution whichhasbeenrecognizednation-wide as the cutTent before the tide. After Mrs. Ringling's death, the house and fqrnishings were sold at auction to Jerry Collins, and were later resold to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. Paul Wolfe conducts music theory class in Music Room, where years The SEC {continued on page 3 column 5) ago Charles and Edith Ringling were entertained by music of their era. PAGE 2 Editorially Speaking Welcome to New College The Catalyst welcomes you to New College's first open house. For the students, New College is home for all but a few weeks of the year. We hope today will help to make it plain why we are proud of it. As you tour the campus we hope you will enjoy seeing the physical plant of New College. But we also hope that you will get to know the part of New College that makes the physical plant come alive and become meaningful. We refer, of course, to the students. There are many of them stationed today in v a r i o us locations throughout the campus. Take the time to talk to them and to get to know them. They are there to answer your questions about New College. The Catalyst speaks for all the students when it welcomes you to New College. We hope you will enjoy seeing our school as much as we will enjoy showing it to you. The Catalyst Students Have Developed Extracurricular Activities In the course of a year-and-a-half, students here have developed a nwn ber of extracurricular organizations and semi-organizations to which they devote their spare time. When not studying, students can participate in student government, join any number of clubs, do social work, or participate in sports, Perhaps the most important student organization is the student government body, which is known as the Student Executive Cbm:mlttm (SEC). Nine stUdents v.ere electe d e arlierto sit on this committee and fulfill the governing duties estab lished by the students. There are several subsiduy organ izations of the SEC. These include the Student Disciplina.IY Committee, the Social Committee, the Finance Committee and the Food Committee. Shldetlt New1pap1r Another organization, sometimes refexredto (at least by the staff) as ''the best-<>rganized" on campus, is The Catalyst, the student newspaper. A stafi totaling about two dozen sells and prepares a PAGE 3 Special Open House Issue Academics Aimed At Relating Knowledge "At New College, the approach to learning presumes that alllmowledge is related." These words, taken from the official bulletin of New College for 1966-1967, express what is perhaps the basic assumption behind tre school's academic program and approach. Beginning with the vecy first term, the student here is made aware of the inter-connection am o n g the various fields within the humanities the natural sciences, and the social sciences, and also among these larger divisions themselves. Dr. Rollin Posey, chairman of the Division of S o c i a 1 Sciences, says of the first-year social science program: "The student starts his first year through learning about man pluralistically, through the eyes of the psychologist, historian, economist, political scientist, an thropologist, and sociologist! These views are blended to show man as an integrated whole. The students read in all the social ence disciplines; they and the faculty discuss and in t e g r at e their growth in tmderst an ding. This is representative of the total New College academic program. In his first year, the student devotes equal time to the basic core programs in the three divisions. He is expected, however, to begin specializing in his second year, devoting up to 2/3 of his time on courses related to that specialty. The final year's program is currently tmder much discussion, but it is expected that the student will split most of his time between intensive study in his major and a "seminar on great issues," which will attempt to bring together all the disciplines. Another basic principle behind New College is that "Jn the final analysis, each student is responsible for his own education. As a result, the New College student is lclt much to his own devices in obtaining an education. Although there is constant encouragement and guidance from the faculty, the basic responsibility still rests with him, as it will the rest of his life. There are no grades as such at New College. Instead, each student is given periodic evaluations --thorough, qualitative analyses of student progress--by each of his teachers. At the end of the first and third years, each student must first in Banking on the Trail 4'1at. h1torest quarterly lyear certificates TRAIL NATIONAL BANK also take comprehensive examinations, covering all the material that should have been mastered ir a particular subject during the year. In order to remain in good aca. de m i c standing, a student is required to pass the comprehensives and also to turn in two study papers. (Each year, there are two three to four week periods during which all formal classes are suspended and each student does intensive work on a topic of his choice. These per iods are lmown as the Independent Study Periods1 and examples o:( some of the wor.k done by students during the last study period are on exhibit in College Hall. ) Finally, a third basic principle is: "The best education results from the confrontation of two first-class minds, II While LlU'VW.UHl amount of responsibility on student shoulders, the college attempts to be personal and interested in the progress of each individual, The ideal of education has long been the tutorial system: i.e., a qualified instructor devoting his time to teaching a qualified student, both of whom have a real interest in the subject. Thus, there are three contexts in which formal learning is ienced at New College: the lec ture, in which material is presented in a formal, structured manner; the seminar, in which a small group of students gather with aninstructorto discuss and exchange ideas; and the tutorial, in which one teacher teaches one student. There is, finally, a very impor tant informal educational factor on campus, a fact noted by several of the c o 11 e g e 1 s visitors in past months. Often astudentwill bump into a teacher somewhere Qn campus and strike up a conversation which will have unseen but signifi cant effects. Also, there are such New College "traditions" as the T u e s d a y night "bull-sessions, where students and faculty meet informally. It is all of these factors, the for mal and informal, that go into the New Colleste educational process. MoN than 7S beaut.i.t'\llly restored &ntlque &Dd claaaio cars b-oa 1897 ssoo North 'l'aalam Trail "Fashicmable and famous" for the "Pink Pancakes'' FLAMINGO FLAPS Originated by its owner MARl O'REILLY Also specializing in BROASTED CHICKEN carry-outs The Catalyst Taking advantage of the pleasant climate, this seminar group meets out doors to discuss some aspect of life in urban America, Students Feel Time Pressure Weekdays begin early at New College (or so 1t seems to studen4). Breakfast is served from 7 to 8, and many students go from there to 8:00 classes. All first-year students, for example, have lectures beginning at 8 three days a week. On the remaining two days, they can stay in bed until 9:35, These morning lectures are the basic core programs in humanities, naturalsciences, and social sciences, required of freshmen, Electives, taking theform of seminars, tutorials, or labs, are usually scheduled during the late morning or the afternoon in order that they not conflict with the basic course lectures. Depending on what class a student is in, what his interests are, and what his abilities, motivation, and time available are, he may spend from 10 to 30 hours each week in class. At-home studying usually takes 20 to 30 hours per week, although some science majors profess to study up to 48 hours and mare per week outside of class. Students have to worry about hours in areas other than academics, however, Besides the obvious justment from home cooking to in stitutionalized food, meals at Col lege Hall force students to make a second important change in attitude, This is the adjustment to the fact that meals are seiVed at certain times and certain times only and that there is little choice in the entree. Most students-those who aren't fortunate enough to have refrigerators--are forced to forego the pleasure of walking in to the kitchen at any time of day and preparihgwhatever happens to be available. Besides breakfast, meals here in clude: morning coffee break, 9: 15 to 9:45; lunch, 11:30 to 12:30; and supper, 5: 30 to 6:15, There are special hours for weekend breakfasts and Friday suppers. Besides studying and reading, New College students pass the time with a wide variety of diversive activity (See "Students Have Developed Ex tracurricular Activities, To the chagrin of teachers, students have been known to catch up em sleep in class sessions. Saprito Bros. Groves Packers and Shippers of the Famous MANATEE RIVER FRUIT Main Street at Osprey Ave., Sarasota, Florida Telephone 955-1270 The Brightest Spot on Main Street SAPRITO BROS. Hoi iday Page 3 Ringling Home Houseslibrary (Continued from page 1, column 1) WynansofScottsdale, Pa., now of Sarasota. New College took title to the house and land June 29, 1962, am occupied it Nov, 15, 1962. The Music Room, on the first: floor of the house, is equipped with a large pipe organ which was inst ailed by the The room was the scene of many parties for which the rug was removed from the teakwood floor for dancing. The Ringling children and grandchildren also had many parties in this room. The billiard room is exactly as it was left by Mrs, Ringling, but the table is now covered for use in classes and conferences. The chairsarepartofthe original dining set and were used with the large table which is still in the diningroom. Interior decoration of the house was on_ginally done by Marshall Field and Co. of Chicago. The Fields were also winter residents of Sarasota. Furnishings were imported from many parts of the world, mainly fromEurope, and were selected in keeping with the English design of the house itself. The large table in the reception room was not part of the origina furnishings but was given to the college. It is of Spanish design and is over 200 years old, Rugs in the drawing room and in the billiard room were designed by Mrs. Ringling and made in France in the mannerofthe drawing room rugs found in the French Royal Palace. SWfJI. 8Y 7'ffE KIDS! of Sarasota-Bradenton Mu.sie boxes trc:a the world's arnteat collection played in doli&httul '- Sar.a.aota Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. U.S. 41 North at 42nd St. Phone orders 355-1776 Sarasota, Florida 8221 North Tamiami Trail Restaurant -Cocktail Lounge Yacht Basin -Swimming Pool Phone 355-2781 CYCLE CENTER Sales RENTALS Service 2114 17th Street 958-140 I U.S. 41 acrou fro111 the airport SARASOTA'S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK & oor offlliate PALMER FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PAGE 4 Page 4 The Catalyst East Campus Is Location Of Student Residences New College's East Campus is the site of the student residences, the swimming pool, and the construction work on Hamilton Court,. the planned student activities center. The present East Campus, occupymg 21 acres, will soon be e:xtended by the leasing of 13. 5 additional acres of land to the east for a 99-yearperiod, providing both building and recreation space. 1 J The residence area is made up of three individual courts connected by a mall. There is a total of 136 student rooms, providing housing for up to 272 students, plus one faculty apartment and two apartments for tutors. Presently, Court I (with rooms numbered in the 1001s) houses the men, Court ll (rooms numbered in the 200's) the women, and Court I II the spill-over from Court I. There are faculty members living in each of the three courts. Each of the student rooms is 15 x 15 feet inside. Each room has individual air-conditioning andre ating controls, plus bath and closet. There are four color schemes for rugs and drapes, lending variety to the rooms. Because of the con-spade fu of dirt at groundbreaking ceremonies for Hamilton Court. struction, there are varied views from the rooms, some having roomwidth balconies, some with smaller balconiesorpatios and some with picture-windows. Standardfi.U'Ilishingsforthe rooms are two beds, one easy chair, one small table, two combination desk -dressers, two study chairs, two small bookcases, and a floor lamp. courts will be built nearby to provide more recreational facilities for students. Hamilton Court, when completed in October of this year, will provide dining and student activities facilities and classroom space. The dining are a will consist mainly of a central dining hall capable of serving up to 300. Two smaller dining rooms can be used as meeting and conference rooms. Also, there will be a snack bar and lounge area. To the north of the dining room will be a classroom building which willhouse a leeture auditorium, a language laboratory with 36 stations, an audio-visual center, and several classrooms. The two buildings were made possible largely through a gift from Mrs Carl Hamilton. The complex will be officially designated the Carl and Marjorie Hamilton Court. Both the residences and the Hamilton Court were designed by I. M. A view of one of the residence courts demonstrates the drama of I. M. Pei 's architecture. Pei, world-famous architect. The buildings were designed on a Meditenanean village concept, offering a close-to-ideal setting for studying and living. Among other projects with which Mr. Pei is involved is the Jolm F. Kennedy Memorial llbrary in Boston. It's a lway s nic:e to see yo u at Montgomery-Roberts SARASOTA down town BRADENTON ST. ARMANDS KEY VINCE'S PIZZA Famous all ove r the West Coast 755-1812 O n U.S 41 midway between Sarasota & Bradenton at Bowlees Creek Nello GLENWIT F i ne Men s Wear Downtown Sarasota THE CAPTAIN'S TABLE vis>t o ur c ock t a i l loung e SUNDAY SPECIALS West e r n Delmon ico Steak . . . 1 95 Baked Ch i cken & Yellow R ice . 1.45 Shrimp C reole . 1 75 Sp eci al s include sa l ad b ar, r o lls, and c hoic e o f ba ked or french f r ied po tatoes 1803 N Trail 955-0577 SARASO T A D IVISION The common mall has 24 royal palms. With the completion of new construction, the mall will be joined to Hamilton Court. CAV U ROO M RE STAU RA NT MEL-0-DEE The Olympic-sized swim min g pool was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Courtland H. Hoppin. The pool is 25 meters in length with six racing lanes for competition. (Sara sota High School uses the pool for its home meets.) There is a sep arate diving well with one-meter and three-meter diving boards The pool has its own filtration equipment in the adjacent mechanical building. The pool is heated for year-round use, and there are lights for night swimming. It is anticipated that dressing room facilities will be constructed later and that eventually several tennis COCKT A I L LOUNG E hi tile ter111IIICII bulldi11CJ of ttte Sarosoto-Jrocffttolt a i rport Phone 355-5631 also Farm House Restaurant I n o a lc o h o l here) o 301 s outll of 0 H co PlloH: 7 55--4141 Your h o sts : The McEachern5 A N D LOAN ASSOC I A T ION RESTAURANT & DINING ROOM 47th Street and North Trail Zinn's Restaurant Dnc In t h e Waterfall Roo m (Next D o or to the Science Lab) CORTEZ PLAZA BRADENTON. FLORIDA TELEPHONE: 746 UNIVERSITY SHOP for. The F i nest .In Traditional. Cloth ing Fro m Cricketeer Sero Corbin Collsge Hall Canterbury Gold Cup Plus Unusual Gift Ideas South Palm 1hc. SAL Smith Specialty Co. "The Pi z za King" F i nest in It alian F oods Estab lished f o r 1 7 yean miles north of college on U S. 41 WELCOME TO NEW COLLEGE CAMPUS BOOK SHOP "for the esoteri c and exotic i n paperbacks Open Today 1-5 P M 5350 N. Trail 355-5252 Wholesale Distributors SARASOTA, FLORIDA |