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PAGE 1 , I Volume #1 Edition i7 \ PAGE 2 C'rnon you knuckleheads! The most outrageous, and all around least sane party of the year is coming up and I don't feel the vibes I ought to. I mean, the New College Halloween party is as close to a genuine rowdy brew-ha-ha as you folks down here at this wimp college are going to get. I strongly urge each and everyone of you to show up and to do something you wouldn't normally do. Well another long eventful week has passed since the last issue of Blessed Relief hit the stands. The faculty is now receiving this rag regularly and the provost knows of its existence, for what it's worth. The list of contributors is continually expanding. What I'm at is the path has been laid for a 9enuine legitimate student publication. Not that Blessed Relief is phony and illegitimate, I just dor.'t think it's adequate. This school has a lot of good writers and artists and, probably, photographers whose work is slighted by the cheap layout and printing of this publicat1on. If there were four five people like myself who were willing to put the time into it, we could have one hell of a professional paper on actual newsprint where photographs can be reproduced nicely, etc., etc. I will investigate the possibilities of having such an operation financed and a course built around it for the staff members for second term. Those of you who are honestly intrigued by such an idea should get in touch with me. For those of you who that nothing is ever "going on" at this school, take note. Firstly, the Rancid City Improv Comedy group performed for the second time Wednesday. They have promised to perform again Wednesday of the ninth week and to pick up on the bi-weekly performance idea starting in January. These young ladies and gentlemen are extremely talented; sometimes hysterically funny and always painfully real. Their second performance was as tight as a drum, almost flawless. I don't know where they find the time to put this together, but they are to be encouraged. Those of you who missed the performance have no excuse. You missed an A-1 opportunity to be cheered up as well as entertained. Secondly, the renowned New College String Quartet performed mag nificently last Friday evening. Even the aulturally ignorant enjoyed the impeccable musicianship and comfortably informal atmosphere. Thirdly, the list of movies that have been shown recently or are to be shown in the near future is as long as my arm. Fourthly, the provost held a meeting for all in South Rall Wednesday. The meeting was dubbed "Re-Orientation" and was held for the benefit of those of us who have been here for six weeks or more but still feel themselves in the dark about some aspect of New College. A number of complaints and suggestions were voiced, most of which dealt with our institution being cold and unfriendly. If you this opportunity and you have something to get off your chest, you should be made aware of the Student Life Committee (talk to Dale Hartman in Student Affairs) or go chat with the provost in his office in South Hall. rr.ajor complaint at the aforementioned meeting ,.as that the faculty is rare1)' seen outside the classroor::. A nur.ber of faculty Members came to see the string quartet, but not one came to see the Rancid City show nor are the movies frequented by faculty I have noticed that very few problems exist between students and faculty nenbers, but the students are generally obliged to go out of their way if they want to have a friendly conver-sation with a professor. Please, faculty members, make yourselves visible! Don't miss the band, the party and the movies over Halloween P.S. Sed .tells us the answer to last week' s puzzle: the Japanese owns the zebra and the 1\on;egian drinks beer. The EcitC'r Bcx t520 "Arms talks end without agreement"--so went most headlines across the USofA on the 24th of October, 1978. The arms talks to which the headlines refer are, of course, the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (condensed for public convenience to the acronym SALT). The remarkable thing about the SALT II negotiations is the almost unbroken series of nondevelopments which in the aggregate, comprise the dreary five-year history of the talks. Obviously, the American and Soviet governments are not overanxious to conclude an agreement on the limitation of strategic arms while the international situation is so "unstable. This will naturally have real consequences on the conventional scene; or perhaps I sho\Ud say "nonconsequences" since the inertia created by arms exports from the developed nations to the underdeveloped nations seems to have slipped completely out of control. At any rate, no one doubts another international crisis will occur; when it will occur and who it will involve is anyone's guess. Which brings us to the main point of this article. In cooperation and under the aegis of the editorial staff here at the Blessed Relief, I'm happy to announce the First Triannual International Crisis Prediction Contest. The rules of the contest are painfully simple. On a sheet of ordinary paper, 1) print/type your name and address or box nurnber; 2) state when you think the next international crisis will occur; 3) state who you think the next international crisis will involve (i.e., which two or more nation-states). Entries must be placed in a sealed envelope and to the Blessed Relief box on campus. For the purposes of this contest, international crisis must meet the following criteria: 1) the crisis must involve at least two nationstates whose annual per-capita income is at least $2SO(SDR310); 2) at of the crisis, both nation-states must be receiving military/ log1st1cal support from at least one developed nation (includes People's Republic of China); 3) the international crisis must make the front page of at least five American newspapers with an average daily circulation of 250,000 copies. The winner shall be determined by that entry which comes closest to predicting the actual date and location of the next international crisis. The runner-up shall be determined by that entry which, after the winner, comes closest in its prediction of the date and location of the next international crisis. All entries will re:main sealed until occurance of the next international crisis. At that time, entries will be read to determine the winner and runner-up. The runner-up will be the recipient of the 1978-79 Rosa Luxerrhourg Service This entitles the awardee to a complementary meal for two at the Denny's Restaurant on US41 north any day of the week between the hours of llPM and SAM. The runner-uo shall also have his/her nane placed on the Rosa Luxembourg Commemorative located in the dry-goods locker next to tr.e cafetria entrance. The winner, in addition to receiving the position of Special Advisor on Global Affairs to the SEC, shall also receive a handsome diplon-.atic-style attache case with matching pinstripe suit (male or female). Not to mention decorative collage containing explicit photographs and exciting headlines of the winning crisis. So hurry and get those entries in, because in this case, time is not on your side. PAGE 3 . b}' H IGO 0 0 0 3 PAGE 4 The Atomic Age has fallen upon us like a pestilence. Cur standard of living is maintained by the steady encroachment of benefits. Devices have been invented that fill such specialized roles in the mellow lifestyle that they create their own demand. You can now buy three separate electrical cookers exclusively adapted for preparing the ever-popular hotdog, cheeseburger, or pizza and ware your buns in another implement. Y.icrowave ovens have virtually replaced suburban hibachis and where a vegerna tic once sufficed, only a CuisinArt will do now. Digital eggtimers, Dial-a-Recipe, and the GTE Phone Mart have certainly propelled the housekeeper into the joys of electricity. Accordingly, a consummate requirement for energy sources to keep the warm aura o! Y.r. Coffee aglow has ensued. The Federal Government, with the hearty approval and advice of the Defense Department, has decided to share the stage with our friend, the Atom, in the compelling drama of Nuclear fission. To appreciate the price we pay for the comforting hiss, buzz and bleep of our well-fed appliances all about us, a descent into heartless inferno of the nuclear reactor is necessary. The fuel for a reactor Uranium 238 -is provided by uranium dioxide pellets which are encased in thin metal rods. In a reactor with the capacity to generate 1065 megawatts of electricity/day, 160 tons of uranium are required. Of this, only' one percent is unstable uranium 2)5, which is capable of undergoing fission. Subatomic particles called neutrons are released to bombard the fuel core, splitting U 2)5 into lighter radioactive compounds such as Strontium 90 and Cesium 1)7. This reaction produces a great deal of heat energy which can be converted into steam and then electrical energy. A variety of reactions complicates this procedure and causes the Atomic Commission no end of headaches. In or der to keep the subatomic particles moving at the optimum speed, the reactor has to be cooled. If the particles are moving too fast, they mat be absorbed by U 238 instead, converting it into a lethal radioactive dust, known as Plutonium 239, which must' either be safely disposed of, or recycled into fuel, which necessitates the building of recycling plants and the hazards of shipping the Plutonium to the plants. Control rods, containing a compound, generally boron, that absorbs neutrons even better than U 2)8, are depended on to control and stop the reaction. Cheeseburg, page 2 The coolant is water drwn from lakes or oceans in thevicinity of the reactor. Disposal of this water also becomes a problem at present alleviated by pumping it into large cooling towers before returning it to the However, not all reactors indulge in this precaution, particularly if local government is anxious to open the plant and bolster their economy. The original plans for the Seabrook plant in did not allow for such towers, and the water would have been returned to the Atlantic a mere )7 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the usual seawater. amount of control the plant operators have over the reaction is questionable. The reaction runs at 4000 F in the center of the pellets and 550 degrees at their surface. An or sabotageattempt that blocked the flow of coolant could generate enough heat to cause a core meltdown and explosion within minutes. The effects of this would be similar to the explosion of a nuclear warhead. The coolant system is backed up by an emergency core cooling system {ECCS), but this too could be blocked. An overheated core would convert the emergency coolant into steam which would exert counterpressure on the rest of the water, or the metal rods might begin to bend and swell, obstructing the now. The threat of such an explosion is greatly amplified by the location of most plants near large cities, and clustering several plants together around large bodies of water, like the Chesapeake and Lake Michigan. The destructive aspects of a 200 megawatt reactor JO miles from a city has been estimated as follows, 45,000 people killed, 100,00 injured, contamination of an area the size of Pennsylvania for hundreds of years and $17 billion in property damage. Considering that 15-20 million Reople live within 20 miles of all the reactors in America. the potential is awesome. A less spectacular danger is the leakage of low-level radiation from plants. Long-term effects include mutations and cancer, which could take as long as )0 years to develop. Nudear advocates tend to brush this problem off, by quoting the high concentrations of alpha particles necessary to cause cancer. alpha particles are soluble in bodily fluids and can be excreted. But exposure of these particles to intense heat renders them insoluble. They remain in the tissues and PAGE 5 page J in high enough concentrations, will produce cancer.The of radiation poisoning itc true danger and it difficult to trace down leaks that could continue unniticed for years. :Iandling of the fuel pellets and disposal of the waste products of nuclear reactors constitute area3 where human error can prove to be disastrous. As recently as 1975 shipments of plutonium dioxide powder were flown into the :;ew York Kennedy airport in steel containers not adequate to withstand the rigor of an airplane crash. An accident resulting in the release of this much plutonium could effectively deep-fry the entire -ast Coast, via air and water transport of the dust. Radioactive ma terials are also transported by truck and ship, both accidentprone methods. The process of extracting uranium from ore produces radioactive residue, known as tailings. A decade ago, this silty substance was used as landfi 11, particularly for subdi vi ions, schools and shopping centers, where most li Americans spend their' time. The subsequent expose and removal of the contaminated landfill was expensive and unsettling for the inhabitant3. Fur ther unpleasant results may appear in the next decade. Americans, businessmen by nature, could no doubt adjust to' wearing lead suits and digital geiger-counter watches in the Fall fashion parade, if the reward was "clean", cheap energy. certain aspersions have been cast on the efficiency and rate of return on the initial investment for nuclear plants. Such doubts tend to dim hopes for the anticipated cloud with a plutonium lining. Nevertheless, they are encouraging to people who enjoy walking in the rain and not having to worry about rusting joints on their radiation suits. Finding a company to insure a nuclear plant is Lloyds of London won't do it. But, the U.S. government takes I of its own, consequently, we have a special subsidized insurance program for our plants. We've all become investors in a hot new industry. Efficiency dec;eases both with increasing age and size of a particular plant. plants only operate at 54/. efficinecy' dwindling after 6 years to Federal regulations prohibit some of the larger plants from operating at full capacity which further dilutes the efficiency. Repairs and e111ergency shutdoms plague all plants. ?he a.oount of Manpower needed to maintain the plant or correct accidents is because hum3nS have a rather low for hard radiation and have to be replaced 'Nhen they reach their allowable absorption level. Costly alterations for environmental protecti n are another drain on investments. A majority of the utility companies involved in nuclear plant programs have been out at least once by the They, in turn, pass their losses on to the consu:r.e:in the form of utility rate hikes. th illusion of independence !rom foreign energy cartels cannot be upheld by the nuclear American uranium resources are limited. ?he uranium mined here has to be enriched in order to be of reactor grade quality. At present, there arc only three enrichment plants in the United States. Better quality uranium from overseas is under the control of an international cartel of mining operations which has coalesced in South Africa. This amalgamation has already exerted consider able influence on the price of processed ore in the international market. It is significant that staunch supporters of nuclear power, particularly scientists and administrators, have, within the last five years, begun to express doubts as to the feasibility of blundering into the Nuclear apocalypse armed only with knowledge from trial and error experience with the plants and bombs. f-!o-oefully this irrational caution will influence the allocation of. energy research and developmentrunds. half of this money is presently given to the nuclear cause, while equally legitimate and less dangerous fields, such as solar and geother energy, struggle to make progress on a smaller scale. The Defense department is still at work, such insane propo sals as offshore nuclear plants (one was in the planning stage for Jacksonville, FL), giant nuclear "parks" in isolated parts of the Great Plains, and the liquid-metal fast-breeder reactor which magically produces plutonium than accounted for by the uraniu. m put into it. The extra bonus can be used for national security ,:hen confronted with such aztounding possibilities as contaminating our country with substances that have a half-life of most Americans are incapable of taking any action other than grabbing a six-pack and turning on 'Eatlestar Galactic 5 PAGE 6 5 ',\e, however, are member:: or an enlightened college ty, the cream of the best in the country. It is our duty to protest these unsound decisions which are being made by progressoriented officials who aren' t going to be around when the plu toni urn hits the fan. =:ven if you are psychically unable to participate in a anti-nuclear demonstration, you can offer a silent prayer to the Cos-:t.ic:.:uffin before retiring in your climate controlled cubicle. And, if he's on your wavelength, maybe your clock radio will awaken you with the cheerful news that all the nuclear reactor plants were mysteriously replaced by :.:acdonald' s restaurants last night. Remember a cheeseburger at point range, can be fatal. Claudia :Hllen 10/ZJ/78 WNCR in association with Ken Holloway and the SEC presents AS HELL This 8 PM at the beginning of the Halloween Palm court Party. Yes:-they'll do r Think I'd Rather Die, "Do The Patty Hearst, etc. The nifty 850 kicks off its broad-cast season with this amazing absurdity in Palm Court. So check it out. And check us out beginning Friday! Keith Moon reincarnated --Ben Michler, drummer of Mad As Hell "No, it is not true that we plan to kidnap the lead singer of Mad As Hell." -Symtiionese Liberation Army "If they think they'd rather die, why don't they just go ahead and do it." -Sponsors of the Palm Court Party "We've already had noise complaints, and the band hasn't even arrived." -Sgt. Saturday, Campus Police "I loved the last ad, Jeff, but this one sucks. -Ken Holloway "Well, I was excited about the band last week, Ken. Then I listened to the demo tape, and .. -Jeff ::: l :-:::1 .:::J I .RI: SATo sm:, 4-6 6 C S-10 .:() -12 5-7 7-C: :.l -. -L_6 6-E C.-10 l0-12 12-1 7-l) 10-:!. -'--6 t-C C-1a l0-12 1 ::-5 5-7 "-ll l2-2 7-C: ll-l .. ito:;c oi Je:r IS S'to::e::.:.."'"l for everybody. :n!"o, concert .:and the AC.-':': :'ro::-tt s 'i\LTte ir.. fL:.-:. l)tt .... --l. ::..:::::.;. -:7::.-:cur::. 'l-port3, roc: n-:-oli roc, jc.z: ... :.L'""!;o:::c G. Ji2..: .:-ooC. o.!.' roc,-: n ro::!..l, jr-.::: roc, bl:..:.e:: ::.:::::o: .. -:c:. .... :-:o:... t:-:e Joll :::.!..:.:t :otmd he d .... .... u:! ve ::l "::c-ntccl to be =. :_ : Coo: trc.:-.=:: a Di:-:ie Cu1. Li3-:cn for .; ,., ..... r:1d eve :::-th.:..n ir_ 00t:ecn. ... To:: ;;..:.d. :-oc:: :-r:)nt (sc-e ::o:-: :;c .... \:...,vc. n roll, r':l:, produced u:tprc::c:-t.J;iou3 J.l::n ..... cl::.::::>iccl, but j,:;::. o fo:--::!:: of n.;.cicz.l 3:.2.1 :l=:c: i.rt our recor=. collection -c. vr..!'ic-:.:, .. of ob::;cu:'e :":":.!::;i,-:;, fro::1 the co2.2..nct! n .......... .._ ....... u --. ev-. :;I' e_ C ... OU 11 J.l._ IC ,.. '!"lou_.;., O.J. x::. Ji7 r I_)2. !:.ou ,(S:!e :-:ctl 10 6 :t::) ::ore:... ,(S')e ::;,:':,.,(See 'i\:e, 5-7) Pror.::ie D.J lichtcr side of \'ii 'th 2. subtle (;,:e a ?ed J.ll jr::::., sot:e J.J.c:: hue:: .... 3lue5 o..."ld ..Uli5on ';'; I2l2.dy ::nd Sir ::our. ?o'!;pou:-:-i, :'!1e :5......1'1.:'-:t :::-.Jsic::-:.! of ci7ili:::: ;::tich :?.:::Jnt; "cl::--_:sical Al0:: ::it:1 orir.;L""'lG tile :.,o:> pozt of the 5os. ?t::.:-.::ic D. J ( 2ee S:?:t. 7 :t:) ';. :?o-;t : : usic, jc:-:.:., (3ce ?ue. 7 ::e :he : is fo!"' DJ''s Tiho :" to ... :,; :;l"..ould be th c:!n?!"'o't':-i:-te scor"!'1 $C:. coate:..;rt. direct til sUC..:eS-:ion.$ .-nd co!:pl:-i.-,-;: to PAGE 7 by J.W. Hm. Been a long veek, been a long week, been a .. Hm. Rut? Out of it? I can't get out of it? Hm. No, no, no. something besides swear words. They get stale. Quickly? My mind. I don't even know. Or do I? Verse Two. The mass passes. My God, roy god. Next page, in fact. Be's just buzzing along!? No swear words. crutches. Put together more-or-less mish-mash. Mostly more. Finally, a cigarette. Can my conscience stand it one more time? What about us in here? Don't be stupid. Organs speak other languages. Where's a vocab (Greek) when you need one, eh? I can see you know the problem too. No swear words. A pattern emerges for a while, but rarely for long. But then, I can't finish this line. (Because of a rule) Tyranny sucks. That can be taken many different ways. According to Sandy, it's a contradiction in terms. I could go on for days. The white chair? Tommorrow(?) in Spanish. If I keep this up, everyone will go away. (Bandy at times, no?) Here I am wand'ring 'round Too fucking chicken to study anything I might understand. (worse yet, have to) Thanx for contributing, y'all: Rico Spinnutti L. Deveaux Matthew Brown John Weyland Henry Smyth. Karen Jaeckel Jeff "Radio" Cianci Phil Lums:!en Rovdy Yates Vince Koloski Steven DaVerne Charles Treadwell Claudia Willen Rebec Ilene Roizman Greg Vickers--editor *J. Sanford Arcane and Roger Backr.zn apologize appear next week. pieces shall by Matthew Brown swapping need for Christ, you grin tight and hold your love cramped, stop-breathed like a late piss in your loins bleeding like real blood holding like a slow string bass Vibrate And then, of course there was Max, certified crazy, Vibrating fleshy mass envelope me, my sweat in fact so crazy, that the N.I.M.H. wouldn't take him. brushes your flailing limbs. Single instant glance naked soul exposed enraptured Max was found rooting around in a ditch beside a goat field step towards her. Momentary ecstecy change directions we outside Yeehaw Junction, Florida thinking Nixon was after him. mime wild motion simulate devotion Pickled consciousness He eventually straightened out with the help of regular of a drug called Lithium but unfortunately was later assassinated by a former member of the C.I.A. Which is, of course, one of the many sad examoles of the drug abuse Spattered grins one two three Ahhhl Second wind third wind full moon slick red tiles shadows feel the wind feel the dance pull push feel the harsh energy just be sure and Feel! scream drip drench thaw release stop. rampant in our society by L. Deveaux All across the U.S.A. Folks like us get in the way. Just months ago the industry Would have had no use for you and me But the changes that or.inously loom by Rebec have broadcasted us into their living rooms. We'll hear no talk of revolution, while bringing about Devolut1on. Here lt is, the question then. I want to know Are We Not Men? 7 PAGE 8 'ii..1s t 5 wH-f:tJ vJ L:;k H-ttfPeN' 't) '71.-e.y 5/fVwf!_b ;T ;fl.) tTl W DIITIIISIIT Of SOUIM FlCliDA. T U P l f!DaiOI ni70 PMOE IIJ!l4 1631 29, 1978 DEAR t-!Ew LINL TI-V\XJHT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN lHE AlDIENCE REACT!OO TO "THE HILLS HA.VE EYES. II lJuR lNG lHE MASSACRE SCENE IN THE TRAILER, A OOZEN PEOPLE LEFT THE AUDITORJlJ1 FOR lHE SAFETY OF iHE LOBBY. Sc:Y" HAD TO GO OlJTSJDE FOR FRESH AIR. CNE WJMA.N LOST CC\'1POSlRE C01PlTELY AND SOBBED IN A CORNER. \IE CAlJo'fD HER BY TELLING HER ALL THE ACTORS WERE FRIENDS AND iHE PARAKEET WASN'T REAL As iHE F I 1 PROGRESSED, A S1"AlL CRC/.-ID OF PEOPLE GATHERED IN TliE LOBBY, THEY WAITING FOR TliEIR FRIENDS INSIDE AND WERE TOO Tffi!IJ!=JED TO GO BACK IN TliE TliEA TPE, la.-;:.RIJS TliE E OF THE FILJ1, iHE AUDIENCE WAS IN BEIJLM, THE SOltOTRACK COUL.J:t.I'T BE HEARD FOR iHE SCREAMING AND YELLING, Sov PEOPLE SEE!'tED TO GO T'1PORARILY CRAZY. THE LAST MINUTE, "EN Jl11PED THEIR SEATS SHAKING THEIR FISTS Al'.ffi LRGING ON iHE FINAL VIOLENCE Willi A BL0:XJ LUST THAT WAS JNCR'2DJBLE. IT WAS FRIGHltNING TO WITNESS THEIR REACTION. SAlUU'JAY NIG'fT M.JSCULAR TYPES CJlJ"f. BACK TO SEE iHE ENDING iHf 1-1'9\E TOO SCARED TO SEE THE PREVIOUS NIGHT, HE Si-0'1 QUITE A FEW 1-()RROR NO SUSPENCE F I LI''S BUT HAVE NEVER SEEN AN AUDIENCE AS CHAAGED UP AND 8-oTIOfiALL) !rAINED AS '1}[ HIUS WIVE EYES" LEFT THEM. HATS OFF TO T EP.ROO, STAN Kozr.'A a;p F l LM I'RoGRA '1"ER 8 Eyes of Hell .huaf'l Rotfma'1 ..... Motv Soec ofJJ 3 D or SlolvftO VO!kBCWCfl COiCV lf-arld 35m"'! 87 trnuleS SYNOPSIS The EYES OF HELL lS a claSSJC 19SOssoeoc.eIICtiCM"Istof')'w.ththe specoa' IW'S! ot 3-D A young arcl'laeokJgr"St OISCOY'el'$ an anc.en1 Mayan mas'k. whrch when dO!'\r.ed, takes :;ne Of' a "purney .n1o tne hidden recesseso!tr'le human mtnd.'" The archaeok;)grst anemptS 10 conVInce another setei'\I!SI (a psychtatnstJ ol tne mask's The psychatrtsl diSITHSSes me temfled mans "'lf'ranona tears The archaeoiogs Wlls tne mas< to rhe psychatr!S1 at'Kl comn'HtS suttcJe NO\Io the skepnca ostcna.trtSt.succumt>s to Me hypn.ot.c oower C'J ITie nasx ano IS tal(4!n on a .IOUfOe)' tn10 hrs ps.yc:ne Every rrne tne mas-.: S donneo tne a.;oence vses the1r 3-D g 1.0 oar\ 111 hs ,ovrney 10 tne The'lSt succumos comp.eTely 10 hrs nner urgnps as reveaied by the masl< and a!'lemptS seaual assaun murder Once ranona) lmt P.Df Sl'"nl)j(rng oo;ce appears 10 COMbal th;s a ICn fofce The EVES OF HELL pla15 bes1 as "camp .. The g,.,miC" J-Oa'10 tne stereor)-pesc' v-,e 1950's co,....Dne !or a tunny :c a 1JC:.O"l 0' oooular senes. .. "The Hills Have Eyes" has been accept e d for the f ilm collection of the New York Museum of Modern Art as a TERROR CLASSIC. "Nominated BEST HORROR FILM 1977!" TN At...,..,y ot F u:IOI\ Far'llti'l l'l.d Ho,ot Fohn' cf r\4!\\ ffl\' lo-2, 'll. M dt\ rt-e ao-'ltf) 7:oo f'.t'\. The E'/es SvN 1 \0 .. 7 ct Cf:bo P.M J P. PAGE 9 To the e;ditor, To pre!ace remarks, let me say that those of us who are too and laid back to think about social and sexaul relations in any analytic way, that those people who are so cool and groovy as to be totally apolitical, are irresponsible and, far worse, insufferably boring. Now then, I would like to address myself to M.P., who wrote last issue asking, "Is love dead"? M.P. was disturbed by the prevalence of "casual sex at Sew College. r see no great amounts of "casual sex" here or anywhere else. In fact I doubt there is such a thing. Perhaps "experimental" might be a better word. Does that still bother you M.P.? Do you think that young, sensitive pec?le should commit themselves to one other person, having little sexual knowledge of that person, and none of anyone else? You stress the ability to care about one other person. This is the central issue. You hear people say they dQnTt want to to one other person, and you decide that means they're into "causal sex. there are some massive changes going on in our society. People are questioning the roles society dictates to us. Romance and the family are two things most highly treasured in our culture, but I submit to you that these things have been perverted and used by our society, and today hurt the cause of love more than help it. Why romance? Because there's a lot more involved in pairing off with someone than defining your sex partner. There's "loving, caring, giving and taking," as you said in your letter. There's something wrong when the only merrher of the other sex you can love, trust, care for or with is your sex partner. This furthers our present situa tion, in which the men generally hate the women and the women generallj' hate the men. Is my language too strong? I think not. To pair yourself off and approach the world as a couple is a political thing to do; you have effectively blocked yourself off from social cooperation on any large scale. I'm not talking about "fucking" M.P. But I am talking about loving. Why the family? While your playing out your life in your suburban dream, making babies, "giving and taking" and "trying to make it work," some of us, if we're lucky, if we have the strength, are going to work on reviving love. Love that has lain dead for thousands of years. We want hard truth, not easy illusion. It is attractive to be a romantic idealist as you are, M. P. It is also morally wrong, an abdication of responsibility, and politically ignorant. --D.N. Gerg: My manifold intimate contacts with the men and women of the world lead me to believe that, all in all, humorous. Some.genitalia, in fact, are real knee slappers (n.p.i.). As for fuck1ng. I prefer informal, or casual dress. fucking to the more tiona 1 methods of procedure. There is nothing worse than fucking ln tuxedo or evening gown, although, come to think of it, doing it in a or Rolls is kindasorta nifty. One always runs the risk of contracting embarassing social diseases. particularly if the partner in question lS of a lower-class neighborhood (say, Westport, CT), but with pro!";r hygeine this risk is easily avoided. Frankly, I prefer solo fucklng: it is lacking in variety(after all, what can you do bey?nd stroking?). solo nookie is as easy to find as the zipper on your levlS. And as Robert Heinlein said, you don't have to go home alone in the rain. I JUst thought you would like to know. vest, Random Sampler Dear M.P., 3939 Coyote Dr1ve Sherman Tanks. CA 91307 Love ain't nothing but sex misspelled. Just thought you would like to know. Best, Harmless Ellison Somewhere in Mexico Dear M.P., I used to know what love was, but then I got drunk 1n San Franc1sco and. well, one thing led to another. and there I was. hanging by a rope over a river. Pancho Villa breathing down my neck, and that was it. I think it has something to do with death. but I'm not sure. Regrets, Ambrose Bierce Lost in the desert Dear M.P., Sure, I know what love is. A boy loves his dog. Always helpful, Vic Dear Mr. Vickers: How do you spell BLESSED RELIEF? I spell it H-0-L-Y R-o-L-A-I-0-S. Th>.nking, Spike Mulletfish PAGE 10 3y Rowdy Ya1:es It was a dark and .;tor::::r night like any dar'c and stor7:y dark and The and storminess were here. The darkness and were there. The darkness and were The darkness and storminess were overwhelming. Nick killed a squirrel with his foot and sat on a park bench being by the darkness and Life was like a gyps:; :noth, he tr.ougrt, only taller. P.e had no idea what he Nick was startled by a noise to his left. He and sa"' Eric. "A house is not a ho::e, Eric said. '"3ut then, a salami is not a lizard, :md no uoset." Nick drank a quart of claret and looked at Eric. "Yes," r,e said. "I know." Nick felt sorry for Eric, or at least would be if he weren't so s oic and dignified. Eric had been a network !'lews co:r_-nentator until two months before, when he was told that he had reached ma!'ldatory retirement age. Eric had been surprised. He was only 27. "Often here the grass seems green," Eric said. "Appearances through the rose-colored glasses of the mind's eye resist re9taphysical audits." Nick drank a fifth of vodka and looked a!. Eric. "Yes," he said. "I know." A beautiful "'hi te bird circled overhes.d. Nick loved the bird th?ught, or at least would if he weren't so stoic and dignified: .he b1rd swooped to a:1d fro, fore and aft, hither and yon. :lick the bird's grace. He also marvelled that he could see ;:-e. 1n :he dark and stor::y night. But this was a short story, nnyth1ng could happen, especially if it carried symbolic s1gn1ficance. The bird ':lade a long pass in front of :-lick and Eric. "Caw, caw," it called, as lf "Though I am but a bird, still I would like to fondle Jacquel1ne B1sset." The bird smashed into a telenhone pole and died. The world breaks everything, Nick thought. It breaks the good and the pure and the airborne. "A. game of with ma."l as the pawn PAGE 11 I The provost is the chief academic officer of New College. As such, lS to what the man thinks of Ne-.. College and the duectlons 1t l.S go1ng. The following is an interview with the provost. These are the salient points of an hour and one quarter discussion. VK = Vince Koloski GL = Gene Lewis edited extensively by Greg Vickers VK: What do you envision as your role and what do you feel are your goals? GL: The problem with goals especially around here is that there is a penchant for very lofty ones without ever saying anything about the state of getting fro:n here to there. I want N.C. to bt the best liberal arts college in the o. s. How I'm going to do that w111 t711 you something about what my role is. F1rst of all I am legally the chief academic officer of this place. Th17 m7ans l have responsibility for curriculum, for personell, for awuss1ons standards and for acquiring resources to obtain high levels Of the above. In a sense I have a mixed role as chief academic officer and president where I get involved with things like foundations and such. h'hat I want to do specifically is I "'ant to get a half dozen new faclllty positions right away. r .. .-ant to get enough scholarship money to Ma1nta1n the high quality of the student body. I .,.-ant to regroup, analyze and rationalize some of the processes around here which have tended to drift following the merger which never reached the point of d1scussion. The discussion died out about the internal governing, curriculurr. and personnel! procedure around here. around 197? due the shock of the merger, etc. so, we are in a condJ.tion of ne1ther here nor there. One thing is the lack of student interaction between classes (upper levels and first year) and to some extent between students faculty. To this end I have begun a series of interviews. I like to spend two hours in each faculty member's office asking in confidence what is on their minds, what are their problems? It has been most enlightening. Because one of the things I can report without violating the confidentiality is that anomie and entropic isolation that they are in some ways alone. It becaJI\e for an outsider of an absurdity a faculty member can say about another faculty member "well, I've seen that auy 3 or 4 at faculty but I'm not sure I can put the and the face together," and the guy he iE talking about has been here 4 years. I think that's a terrible s)ondrome. What I'm trying to do is to get people talking to one another about the things that matter. This year I've got to deal with personell procedure. For instance, I'm very upset and very concerned about the way we evaluate we think good teaching or bad teaching might be at this place. I'm in the process of trying to get the PAC and the FSC to have a sealed questionnaire handed out and collected in each and every class in each and every term for each and every faculty rather than simply rely on the existing reputational method. after 5 or 6 years yields 1 a total of 3 to 5 letters from students or former students. VK: What about the center for excellence? Where does that stand? GL: We are at the point where it has gotten past Tampa. President Brown has lived up to his promise and sent it off to the Board of Regents with a positive recommendation. I think the BOR will approve it. The next step is in when it goes to the legislature. If the legislature approves it it will mean $190,000 on top of the state allocation. It relieves the foundation of no burden,it is in addition to all existing funds. It is for 3 things: faculty (6 positions), 30,000/year in additional scholarship money. There is also a line for a visiting professor every year. That is the kind of change that can help the place become much more lively. VK: What about student representation in choosing the visiting faculty rnerebers if this all works out? GL: Oh yeah. The problem with student representation is that. I look at the that students are supposed to be on. Its October 20, I've been here since mid-August ane the only committee that they show up for is the SASC;for the rest of it I have to find out who they are and get my hands on them. My problem is getting ahold of the students who are elected, appointed, whatever, to these committees to show up. I don't think we have any structural problems. The problem comes in getting the regular, beaureaucratic in the ass,participation that is I really do wish we'd get some (participation) to run it. I like students. I think they're nice, they're smart and they're one of the reasons I came here, because of what the students did in the interviews with me. And I haven't seen them. I can't get at them through the newspaper. VX: There is no reason, in theory, ,.hy you couldn't get to the students i! you '"'anted to write somet!1ing and stick it into the newspaper that's no problem. George used to do it on occasion. GL: "obocy is stopping anybody from doing anything, but nobody is encouraging or making anybody do ... Maybe its the symbolic goods that people want, maybe what they're really saying is, its nice that we should be on the damn corF.ittees they're simply not interesting or relevant enough for us to show up. We're sitting here right now doing a nice syr.bolic thing ... I honestly do believe students have a role to play. It's part of the general character of the place. I'm bound and determined to do about it. Editor's note: The interview Vince conducted was quite lengthy. I shall select other questions and answers from the interview for the next issue of B.R. I l PAGE 12 ' Yst:E.,ONC.E EVERY S\X MONi'HS I Do MY L.AVNDRY AtJD XT ik AT IIM..c AGALN. .... ot(. '"TH!Nic\ YouR Gc"c.FRIE"NL) \NOULDj.,l PV'f CJP wiTH THAT. |